Repairs: 2022 Levi's Denim Repair

reinforcement and darning. The fabric around the seat was thinning and well-worn, the hole itself was fraying and prone to further damage.

Adding fusible fabric to the underside of the denim will increase the durability of the fabric. Cleaning up the frayed edges and darning the damaged area will create a strong bond to the denim, while furthering the
lifespan of the pants.
lifespan of the pants.

Client’s front facing pocket was fully blown out and needed a denim patch and darning work. The pocket was damaged inside and out and needed to be reconstructed.

Reconstructing a new pocket bag and adding a denim patch to the front facing pocket brings form and
functionality back to the client’s pants. Darning around the frayed edge and restitching the top stitch adds durability and a clean finish.
functionality back to the client’s pants. Darning around the frayed edge and restitching the top stitch adds durability and a clean finish.